Bridget's visualistions proved invaluable!

I really can't imagine what my birth experience would have been like if I hadn't done the Calmbirth program with Suzanne.  I was two weeks past my due date when the doctors informed me I would have to be induced no later than 14 days. Although I was anxious to meet her I knew that she wasn't ready yet so tried to give her as much time as possible....unfortunately I reached the 2 week mark and had to accept that I was having an induction.

This was not part of our ideal birth plan. We had registered for a water birth and I had envisioned labouring in the comfort of our home....but if there was one thing the pregnancy process taught me was to let go of complete control, so we readjusted our birth plan and even though I was not going to go into Labour naturally, we began preparing for the birth of our baby girl.

My husband did the massages we had been taught, I got acupuncture and we did the calmbirth visualisations every night. After my due date, I turned off my phone so that I was able to focus completely on the impending arrival of our baby. I made it my mission to find people who had positive induction stories and I became excited I was soon going to meet our girl.

My waters were broken at around 9:30am the following morning and I was less than 1cm dilated. The doctor said he would be back at 2pm to check on my progress and I just remember feeling quite excited and in good hands as both the midwife and doctor had both taken the time to read over our birth plan and were extremely supportive and encouraging of it.

As I entered established labour at 11am we used essential oils, acupressure, hot water and movement with our visualisations. We both pictured our baby floating in a basket down a winding stream and we got closer and closer towards the sun. My husband helped me to breathe down to the baby and I reminded myself that my body could do this....Thanks to the wonderful affirmations I learnt in yoga and Ina May Gaskin.

By 1pm the surges were closer and more intense. My baby was posterior (something which I had been trying to control all birth and she moved on the last day to once again remind me to let go of the control), however she corrected herself as i went into transition.

I felt a change in the pressure and was eager for the doctor to tell me how I was going. He informed me that I was doing a really great job but perhaps to rest for a bit to conserve my energy. He let me know I was 4cm dilated and he would be back in another 4 hours to check on me. It was at this point (transition) that I gave up and lost a bit of hope. She was turning and I started telling my husband I couldn't do it and I might need drugs if it is going to continue like this. As per our birth plan, he didn't offer me drugs and got me to breathe into it all. I didn't need to go to the toilet but I kept wanting to just sit on it.... It was about 10 minutes after the doctor had left that the nurse sensed I was in transition and asked if she could do a quick examination. I had heard about this in class that at some point you will feel like giving up etc however as I was only 4cm I felt like there was no way I could be in transition. She asked me how I felt about pushing now? and I was so excited that I knew that I would be meeting her so soon.  

That news of pushing was all i needed to hear to carry on and 28 minutes later I was enjoying skin to skin contact with our 4.5kg, 57cm baby girl. We named her Azalea Grace and she is my proudest moment. 

Thank you Suzanne for allowing me to adapt to the situation and be an active participant in my birthing process.