Charlotte's Acceptance of a Long Labour

Troy and I attended your Calmbirth weekend at the start of last September, and then I came to active birth classes. We just can't thank you enough for what you taught us. Without your help there is very little chance I would have enjoyed the end of my pregnancy with a level head and actually looked forward to labour with excitement! In the end we were counting strong contractions continually for 40 hours at home before heading to the hospital for another 12, where I avoided strong drugs until hormones for the last hour when my contractions seemed to have really weakened. The skills you taught us, the education you gave us, the sense of humour you instilled in us, and the wisdom of readiness to accept whatever came our way - we just can't thank you enough. Your gift to the world is just incredible. Thank you. Those breathing techniques have come in handy during some major screaming baby moments too! xo